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District unit of Asom Natya Sanmilan bans 'Lovita' in Nagaon

Bureau Report, Nagaon, October 13: The district committee of Asom Natya Sanmilan as well as a dozen of prominent drama activists and individuals expressed strong reactions in connection with the roar over remake of Jyoti Prasad Agarwal's evergreen stage creation - 'Lovita' by the leading mobile theatre of the state 'Abahan Theatre'. While addressing a press conference at Nagaon Sahitya Sabha Bhavan on Wednesday afternoon here, the members of the district unit and other publically condemned for the acts of cencor of the popular stage drama of the legend by Abhijit Bhattacharya, a noted playwright, director of the state mobile theatres and sought immediate lawful action against the playwright as well as the producer of the particular mobile theatre group too. The drama activists as well as other members of the Natya Sanmilan declared ban on the 'stage show' of the particular play of the mobile theatre group 'Abahan Theatre' across the district during the season too. They however warned that henceforth if the mobile theatre group dared to stage the play in any place in the district, the theatre group would face stiff resistance from the district unit of Asom Natya Sanmilan too. They also strongly criticized the state cultural affairs department for not taking immediate lawful action against the playwright as well as producer of the theatre group after it was being strictly criticized across the state by almost all theatre personalities or other cultural activists of the state. Noted Assamese litterateur and short stories teller Sibananda Kakoti, Natyapran and the district president of Asom Natya Sanmilan Prasanta Sarma, secretary Suraj Kumar Saikia, Biswajit Borthakur, Mukti Bora, Jitumoni Mahanta, professor Mohini Mohan Deka were among the theatre personalities of the district who addressed the press conference.

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