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Birth anniversary of Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri celebrated in Nagaon

Bureau Report Nagaon, October 2: Lions Club, Nagaon today observed the birth anniversary of the father of nation - Mahatma Gandhi as well as former Prime Minister of the country Lal Bahadur Shastri at its office premise with a day long agenda. Malchand Agarwal, Saranga Ballabh Goswami respectively the president and secretary of the club, Biswajit Mahanta, Gurusaran Singh, Binod Khetaot and other club members garlanded at the portraits of Mahatma Gandhi as well as Lal Bahadur Shastri and also lightened the earthly lamps before the portraits while paying homage to those two great souls of the soil. During the programme, the president of the club - Malchand Agarwal elaborated the life and contributions of Mahatma Gandhi as well as Lal Bahadur Shastri towards the nation. The celebration was concluded with a devotional cultural programme, a release added.

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