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IIE conducts Convergence Workshop

Staff Reporter, Guwahati, September 16: Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE) Guwahati an organization under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India conducted a convergence workshop at its premise today. The convergence workshop was conducted by the IIE in collaboration with different stakeholders like implementing and technical agencies along with Farmer Producers Organizations (FPOs). The workshop was focused on the scope and areas of convergence provided by the various government departments in the areas of infrastructure, livelihood development etc to the farmers and artisans. The workshop was attended by various government representatives who explained various schemes and facilities available under their schemes and the ways to avail those facilities to the participants. The workshop was also attended by the stakeholders, different technical and implementing agencies representatives and other participants from FPO and FPCs. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Lalit Sharma, Director IIE, while Dr Santanu Mohan Deka, Course Director, Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) scheme delivered the brief objective of the workshop in the presence of resource persons from different State and central government entities like Directorate of Sericulture, Directorate of Horticulture and Food Processing, NABARD, National Handloom Development Corporation Limited (NHDC) and National Small Industries Corporation Limited (NSIC) etc. The resource persons have highlighted the focused areas of the centrally sponsored schemes where the scopes for convergence with other schemes are available. The representatives from technical agencies like Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts, Assam Don Bosco University Guwahati, Arohan Food Products, SeSTA, ICCSPL/ICCO attended the convergence workshop along with eighty numbers of the participants. The participants from FPOs found the event very insightful, productive and knowledgeable for their future endeavours. Nilesh Sukhadeva, Sr. Manager (Comm.) NHDC, Sankar Das, AGM, NABARD, Bidyut Nath Choudhury, Scientist-D & Head; Project Monitoring Cell, MESSO from Directorate of Sericulture, Vinit Kashyap, Senior Branch Manager, National Small Industries Corporation Limited (NSIC) and Nipendra Chandra Das, Sub Divisional Agriculture Officer (Hort.) & Nodal Officer, HMNEH Scheme participated as resource person and provided the scope for convergence aspects and scope during the session. The convergence workshop concluded successfully with a vote of thanks provided by the SFURTI Course Director.

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