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Bhaona festival concluded at Nagsankar

Staff Reporter, Biswanath Chariali, August 26: The central Bhaona festival organised by Agnigarh Natghar, a Socio-cultural and dramatic organisation of the greater Nagsankar area in association with the general public of Nagsankar was held at Nagsankar temple premises concluded on Thursday. Two bhaonas Prahlad Charita and Dakshya Jagya (Yagya) were staged on August 24 and 25 respectively. The first day Bhaona directed by Sarat Mahanta was inaugurated by Lakhi Kanta Bora, the Anchalik Panchayat president while the second day Bhaona directed by eminent Bhaona artiste Lochan Bora was inaugurated by Manash Bhagawati of Biswanath Chariali. Before the second day of Bhaona, local children artists performed Gayan-Bayan Jora in front of a huge gathering. It is to be mentioned here that the Agnigarh Natghar imparted a month-long free Khol badan training for children. Pratah prasangas were also performed in the morning and before staging the bhaonas. Before the first day of Bhaona, the Agnigarh Natghar presented the 'Karmapran' title to Baneswar Bora, a retired teacher; social worker and sports organizer. It is worth mentioning that the central Bhaona festival was organised by Agnigarh Natghar in association with the general public centrally for the first time at Nagsankar temple premises covering the area of Dakhin Nagsankar GP and Madhya Nagsankar GP area.

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